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For my still life drawing I drew a pack of phase 10 cards, my stuffed turtle Max and a cucumber melon candle. I think I did well on using he full value scale in the background, however I could have done better with the shading on my objects so that it looked more realistic. I think I did well of the shape of Max the stuffed turtle, because he is not one uniform shape he had a lot of folds and creases that were really hard to get right and I ended up messing them up when I blended but I still like the shape. I think the contrast between the background and the foreground is really striking. Most of my objects made it really hard to see where the shadows were so I tried to make them seem brighter than they really were. I also really like the balance of the items on the page because they look really good. I also think the triangle shape was really helpful for movement. The triangle makes your eye move around the painting over and over again because you just want to keep completing the triangle. 

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